
What legacy do you want to leave? We’ll help you make sure your money goes to the people and causes you care about most.

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Planning your legacy starts with understanding how much money you’ll need to cover all the things that are most important to you.  

You could gift money to your children and other family members, but you might be worried about the timing of this and the impact it might have on them and their work ethic. You may also be wondering if there is a way to ensure the money is kept within the family for future generations, and what level of control is possible. 

Alternatively, the opportunity to use your wealth to spark change and combat society and the planet’s most pressing problems could be a powerful incentive. Donating your money to causes close to your heart could have a profound impact on your children’s generation and generations to come. And there are ways to structure all of this to reduce the tax burden you pass on to your family. 


At Cooper Parry Wealth, we work closely with clients to help them develop a vision for the legacy they’d like to leave and advise them on how to turn this into reality. 

The plan could include giving money or assets to charities, setting up a trust, a Family Investment Company or using your will to donate. 

There are pros and cons with each approach and, drawing on the expertise of our accountancy and legal Cooper Parry colleagues where necessary, we can guide you through it all. Then, you can make informed decisions about how to structure your legacy and put in place a plan to make it happen.   


We recently sat down (in their wonderful new home) to chat with long-standing Wealth clients, David and Caroline. We covered loads of things, but perhaps most importantly we talked about what we did that made life really count to them. 

“We have a really good working relationship. They’re not frightened to say when they think something needs to change or we should do something differently. The team are first rate.”

"CPW has managed our wealth for ten years and during that time we have been very satisfied with every aspect of our dealings and look forward to working with them in the future."

“We have enjoyed cruises, trips to Disneyland and helped with the children’s weddings – it feels great to be so in control of our money that we know we can afford to do this whilst maintaining our standard of living and saving for the future.”

“We have a great relationship with Cooper Parry Wealth, the team is always welcoming and so is the office! I would recommend them to any of my friends. Most importantly we reap the rewards of their advice every day and seeing our aspirations coming to fruition is amazing!”

“Cooper Parry Wealth have a unique investment philosophy. They aren’t out there trying to be active fund managers, trying to pick the best investments. They use index tracker funds which is a philosophy I believe in. It’s a very attractive proposition.”

“I value the personal attention I get – the advice is joined up and my wife and I feel really looked after. There are always people on the other end of the phone to answer any queries we might have.”