Life Assurance

If you’re a high-net-worth individual aiming to secure your wealth, support the people you care about and leave a lasting legacy, life assurance is an important part of your financial planning.

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Life assurance pays out a tax-free sum to whoever you choose when you pass away. Often, that will be your family members, but it could include people like your business partners too. 

Designed to support those who depend on you financially, life assurance policies can help you fulfil personal goals, like funding your children’s education or helping them get on the property ladder, even when you’re gone.  

Above all, life assurance gives you peace of mind that you and the people you care about are protected from the financial consequences of unexpected events. 


Have you got the right life assurance to protect your family? Is it structured effectively and tax efficiently? And is the price you’re paying competitive? 

There are lots of options and flexibility when it comes to life assurance policies. We can assess yours as part of your wider financial plan, making sure it’s tailored to your unique needs, values, goals and estate planning strategies.  

We can also advise on life assurance in businesses, protecting you from financial problems in the event a key employee passes away or becomes seriously ill and unable to work. 


We recently sat down (in their wonderful new home) to chat with long-standing Wealth clients, David and Caroline. We covered loads of things, but perhaps most importantly we talked about what we did that made life really count to them. 

“We have a really good working relationship. They’re not frightened to say when they think something needs to change or we should do something differently. The team are first rate.”

"CPW has managed our wealth for ten years and during that time we have been very satisfied with every aspect of our dealings and look forward to working with them in the future."

“We have enjoyed cruises, trips to Disneyland and helped with the children’s weddings – it feels great to be so in control of our money that we know we can afford to do this whilst maintaining our standard of living and saving for the future.”

“We have a great relationship with Cooper Parry Wealth, the team is always welcoming and so is the office! I would recommend them to any of my friends. Most importantly we reap the rewards of their advice every day and seeing our aspirations coming to fruition is amazing!”

“Cooper Parry Wealth have a unique investment philosophy. They aren’t out there trying to be active fund managers, trying to pick the best investments. They use index tracker funds which is a philosophy I believe in. It’s a very attractive proposition.”

“I value the personal attention I get – the advice is joined up and my wife and I feel really looked after. There are always people on the other end of the phone to answer any queries we might have.”