Pension Planning

Thinking about your pension today could have a big impact on your lifestyle in the future.

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At Cooper Parry Wealth, we can support you with bespoke pension planning, designed to give you peace of mind and enough money after you retire to do the things you care about and value the most.

Pensions and retirement planning aren’t as simple as they used to be. Gone are the days of generous final salary pensions. Legislation has changed and evolved drastically over the years. And we’re all living longer, making the big question, “How much money do I need in a pension to retire?” that much trickier.  

Pension planning – and all financial planning – should always be done with your Bigger Picture in mind. So, we’ll discover more about what you want to achieve once you retire, the lifestyle you want to lead, and the legacy you want to leave.  


We’ll take you through your planning options, show you how long your pension pot is likely to last, advise you on how much you should be contributing, and give you the confidence that you’re taking your pension at the right time, and in the right way.  

You could have multiple pension pots that you don’t understand from previous jobs. We’ll help you consolidate those and make sure you’re doing everything tax efficiently.  

Whatever your pension questions, we’ll have the answers. We deliver expert pension planning every day as part of our overarching wealth management offering. 


We recently sat down (in their wonderful new home) to chat with long-standing Wealth clients, David and Caroline. We covered loads of things, but perhaps most importantly we talked about what we did that made life really count to them. 

“We have a really good working relationship. They’re not frightened to say when they think something needs to change or we should do something differently. The team are first rate.”

"CPW has managed our wealth for ten years and during that time we have been very satisfied with every aspect of our dealings and look forward to working with them in the future."

“We have a great relationship with Cooper Parry Wealth, the team is always welcoming and so is the office! I would recommend them to any of my friends. Most importantly we reap the rewards of their advice every day and seeing our aspirations coming to fruition is amazing!”

“Cooper Parry Wealth have a unique investment philosophy. They aren’t out there trying to be active fund managers, trying to pick the best investments. They use index tracker funds which is a philosophy I believe in. It’s a very attractive proposition.”