Our People

Rebecca Batterham

  • Senior Client Services Associate

Our People

Rebecca Batterham

  • Senior Client Services Associate

I make sure that everything that a client needs is in place for them at the right time. I love being part of a team dedicated to understanding what’s important to clients and helping them achieve that. It’s really exciting being part of a company that always aims to do things a little bit differently.

What’s top of your bucket list?
I’d really like to do something big to help someone or something…volunteering with the 4Ocean cleanup organisation is currently top of my list.

What did you want to be when you were a child?
 I wanted to be an author and be able to write the kind of books that I always had my nose in when I was growing up.

Best box set to binge-watch?
It’s got to be Game of Thrones…I came to it late, but was totally hooked –  one of those “I know it’s really late but I’ll just watch one more episode…”

Which song gets you on the dancefloor?
Mr Brightside by The Killers, always…and A Little Respect by Erasure (showing my age…?!)